Who are we?

Meet the board members of Angel In Me Incorporated who are intentionally being a part of the solution!

Ge'o-vanna Smith~Director

When children experience trauma or severe life alternating stressors, it is not uncommon for their lives to unravel. Being a nurse (RN) allows me to bring healing to people who have been through traumatic/stressful experiences. I am a proud wife of twelve years and mother to one beautiful and unique daughter. As a board member of Angel in Me (AIM), you must have a Pure heart and the Boldness to stand up and be the voice for children who don't have one, which describes who I AM for our children!

Albert Ezell ~ Director

A husband to an amazing wife, a father of 4 great kids and a proud owner of EASR Construction services! As a veteran of the United States Airforce, I plan on continuing to serve my country through AIM. My goal is to inspire, encourage and support our children, We are going to deconstruct the "norm" to show them that they have a bright future and we will walk with them every step of the way.

Luciana Swift ~ Director

As a member of the school system for 5 years, working with children is something that truly brings me joy. I’m a mother of five amazing children and one granddaughter. My wonderful husband & I are the owners of Swift & Company Design| Build. I am blessed to have not only grown up with an amazing support system, but to be able to provide one to my children.  As a board member of AIM, I want to attempt to give back some of my blessings to people who haven’t been able to experience the same.

Yan Searcy ~ Director

Intentionally being a part of the solution to a crisis is the only way to overcome the long-term damage done by its effects. As the Dean at CSUN College of Social and Behavioral Science, a husband, father, educator, and former Director of an independent living program for teen mothers with children, I understand the importance of a strong support system for all of our children especially those in the foster care system. I am excited to work with Angel In Me Inc and be a part of their success!

Judy McConnell~ Officer

I thoroughly enjoy being a mom. Yep, my kid is my unemployed best friend and he’s pretty cool. I'm also into baking pound cakes. I agreed to become a member of AIM to combat the gross neglect inflicted upon children in foster care.

Reginald Smith ~ Officer

As a believer in the word of God, a husband and a father, I know where my strength comes from. As a business owner and a former arena football player, I am well versed in the structure needed to be successful. My goal is to impart structured knowledge and set meaningful positive examples for the kids in AIM. I am excited to work with AIM because my purpose is to guide, strengthen and speak up for children who have not had a voice.

Winter Ezell ~ Officer

Mother of three wonderful kiddos. I am an educator because I absolutely love working with children. I became a member of AIM because helping kids should be our first priority. I am excited to be able to positively influence children's lives.

Meet Our Founder

Represent with some merch!

Represent with some merch!