About Our Founder

I am a living testimony! That phrase resonates within me so profoundly because of its authenticity which is reflected in my own life. Due to my parent’s drug abuse and absence, I entered the foster care system when I was 7 years old through a kinship placement. By the age of 11, I was removed from my family home and placed in a foster home. I was told that even though I was abused it could be worse and that I should be grateful for the placement. I was threatened with the fear of the living conditions in the available facilities and the reality that I would be separated from my little sister. As a result, I didn’t know my worth nor the path that God had set for me. By the age of 15, I was pregnant with my first child and by the age of 16, I was pregnant with my second (of which I had a miscarriage). I walked across the stage pregnant with my third child and I was a mother of 4 by the time I was 23 years old. The clear signs of generational curses and circumstantial damage were not evident until I became an adult. 

However, that is not where the story ends because what the enemy planned for my downfall God used as a catalyst for my testimony! Of those 4 children, one is in the United States Marines, two are in college and my last kiddo is a Senior in high school. None of them repeated the cycle of teenage pregnancy or experienced the trauma of the foster care system. I know that I did not go through my trials (because they are bountiful) for nothing. I know that I am to use my testimony to encourage other children in the same situations that I myself have faced.

Systematically children are removed from their homes and thrust into a system that tells them they are worth the bare minimum. That they should be appreciative of anything that is given to them due to their circumstances. There is an undeserved shame and pain that is associated with the title “foster child”. It is our responsibility to remove that stigma and that is the purpose of Angel In Me Inc. I know that through my foundation it is important that we let these children know that they deserve love, acknowledgment, and support.

My desire is and always will be to please the Lord. He put the idea of Angel In Me in my spirit years before I even knew what He wanted me to do with it. I, like the children we are trying to save through our foundation, needed someone who had been through what I was going through to tell me that I was worthy of saving. I needed someone to tell me that I was worthy of love and that I stood a chance to be successful. It is for that reason that I am now blessed through my testimony, and I am grateful for the opportunity to be a blessing to children in the foster care system who is dealing with the same traumas. I have made it my life’s mission through Angel In Me Inc. to make sure that I help as many of His children as possible!

Founder Marie A Ezell

Un-Fostered Kid